Challenging Bullying Language
There are three people involved in bullying situations – Targets, Bulliers, and the Witnesses. Three roles, three words which are very important when we communicate about bullying. TARGET rather than
• American Red Cross – Humanitarian Award
• L’Oreal Paris – Women of Worth
• Department of Health and Human Services, Commissioners Award
• Kansas Department of Corrections, Karl Menninger Award
• President Bush’s 900th Point of Light
• Prevention of Child Abuse America, Donna Stone Award
• Kansas Children’s Service League, Distinguished Service to Children Award
* Reaching Out From Within, Strength Through Unity Award
• University of Missouri at Kansas City School of Education Award, Alumni Award
• Daily Point of Light Awards
• YWCA Hearts of Gold Award
• Sigma Delta Tau Sorority – Outstanding Alumni Award
• Diplomatic Courier Award – 1 of 100 Top Global Women of the World
• Park University, Outstanding Alumni Award – 2017
• Child Welfare League of America – 1 of 100 Outstanding Citizens, 2019
• Junior League of Kansas City, MO – Branton/Hall Community Collaborator Award, 2020
SuEllen Fried has been a passionate advocate for children since 1976 and firmly believes that bullying is a form of child abuse. She and her daughter, Paula Fried, Ph.D., co-authored “Bullies & Victims: Helping Your Child Through the Schoolyard Battlefield” in 1996, three years before the Columbine tragedy and “Bullies, Targets & Witnesses: Helping Children Break the Pain Chain” in 2003. A third book, “Banishing Bullying Behavior -Transforming the Culture of Pain, Rage & Revenge” co-authored with Blanche Sosland, PhD, was released in 2009. In 2005 she co-authored, with Lynn Lang, a workbook, “30 Activities for Getting Better at Getting Along”. In 2002, she founded BullySafeUSA, an organization that conducts “Train the Trainer” programs, speaks at conferences, and works with school districts to develop a comprehensive approach to prevent bullying. She has appeared on Good Morning America, the TODAY Show, MSNBC, and was featured on an A&E Documentary, Bill Kurtis Reports, “Bullied to Death.” Read More
“For the past few decades, I have spent many rewarding hours in schools talking with students—over 70,000 of them and with 15,000 counselors, educators, administrators, and parents. Whether I am in New York, California, Ohio, or Florida, I collect the same information from students –whether in public, private, parochial, rural, suburban or inner-city schools. Children are hurting!”
“I have been a volunteer for the Kansas Department of Corrections for over 40 years. Over these four decades, I have connected with thousands of incarcerated men and women who have been physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually abused –most often by family members. My involvement in the prevention of child abuse has coincided with my volunteering in prisons.”
“Sibling Violence is the most common form of abuse in families – more than between husbands and wives, or parents and children.”
—Professor Mark Kiselica PhD, Author of “Sibling Maltreatment: The Forgotten Abuse”
Sibling relationships are one of the longest bonds we will experience. Whether it’s a profound, irreplaceable connection or one fraught with hurt and pain, it can significantly affect us over the course of our lifetime. Sibling bullying has been around since the beginning of time – think Cain and Abel – but this highly toxic subject has never received the attention it deserved, like the more common peer bullying that exists in schools. SuEllen Fried’s fifth and latest book on bullying, Siblings: Bullying, Betrayal and Bonding Over the Lifespan, evolved from her 25 years of interaction with students in 37 states.
Presents a blueprint to reduce the pain, rage and revenge cycle of bullying.
Charts the course of bullying following the tragic multiple school shootings in the late 90’s.
An interactive, timely, adaptable workbook to deal with bullying issues.
There are three people involved in bullying situations – Targets, Bulliers, and the Witnesses. Three roles, three words which are very important when we communicate about bullying. TARGET rather than
Following a statewide training session I conducted for school counselors many years ago, a counselor approached me at the end of the day and suggested that I stop using the
In early 2011, I attended an invitational White House Conference on Bullying Prevention in Washington, DC. President and Mrs. Obama addressed the group in the East Room and the president
“To continue spreading compassion outside the walls of Kansas state penitentiaries, Fried wears a pin every day that reads, ‘Power Of Kindness.’ In the course of the day, she gives it away to someone she sees performing an act of kindness.
‘I carry a bunch in my purse to give away,’ she says, smiling. She often gives them away on plane trips when she sees someone give up a good seat for a worse one so that a family can sit together, Fried says.
Recognizing and celebrating acts of kindness, Fried explains, is the best way to spread a spirit of giving and encourage others to act with empathy.
‘We need more than just random acts of kindness,’ Fried says. ‘We need intentional acts of kindness.'”
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